Our comprehensive approach to musician’s dystonia recovery is based on years of research and problem-solving experience, and helps afflicted musicians wire healthy connections to become the best players they possibly can. We are here to get you through the difficulties of musician’s focal dystonia and on to healthy, happy playing!
Our recovery system addresses a variety of musician’s focal dystonias, including embouchure, cervical/shoulder and hand dystonias, no matter what instrument you play. Targeted strategies and techniques integrate physical, emotional and psychological elements for optimum results.
While musician’s focal dystonia is often considered incurable and can feel absolutely devastating, we hope the insights and strategies here will inspire you and help you move forward on your learning and recovery journey. If you’d like personalized guidance, contact us for coaching information.
In this video we help you understand that you are not broken. You are more than capable of getting through Musician's Dystonia and there is also hope for you if you suffer from Bell's palsy/synkinesis.
There is a road to recovery available for you.
With patient direction and focused intent, you can rewire yourself to healthier playing.
Willie Murillo talks about his recovery from Bell's palsy/synkinesis using exercises and visualisations from Greg Spence.
Renaud Gensane talks about his embouchure dysfunction and gives an example of his playing before and after recovery.
Truly Astonished
"I really am totally, truly astonished at the difference you made yesterday. I can see better, breathe better, the face just feels more comfortable, the pitching and range on the horn are better, my 'blowing direction' has come at least 10 degrees closer to centre and the playing has become more repeatable."
Jutta, UK
Greg is a Genius
"An epiphany, I'm convinced Greg is a genius. He has solved my decade long inability to play with any ease above the stave. High C is now as easy as talking."
Paul Hollingsworth, New York
I Feel So Fortunate
“Is anyone else on the planet teaching so effectively about how to approach the learning process involved in reprogramming motor skills? I feel so fortunate to have access to this great pedagogue! The process is the purpose!”
Eric Eindenheim, Jersey City
Embouchure Dystonia Recovery
Hand Dystonia Recovery
Finger Dystonia Recovery
Cervical Dystonia Recovery
We are offering a free service to help evaluate your issue personally.
Start your journey to healthy playing today by booking in your recovery session.
Please contact us with any questions we haven’t answered here.
Fubrian is a resource to help musicians resolve complex, difficult issues such as focal dystonia, a lingering effect of Bell’s palsy known as synkinesis and performance anxiety. We’re here to help you move the obstacles out of the way and become the player you want to be.
In our work, we refer to the subconscious mind as “Brian.” Fubrian stands for “Fix Up, BRIAN!”
You can become a much better musician than you were before! Our targeted tools and strategies will help free you up psychologically and physically, allowing you to share music with confidence, joy and efficiency.
Initially for musicians, Fubrian is intended to be a resource for anyone who “performs,” from the amateur to the professional. Performing includes public speaking, sports, and, of course, music.
We’ve seen a few clients take huge leaps forward immediately to the point of winning back a playing job. While this can happen with the right perspective and understanding, it is far more common for musicians to need time to understand and correctly apply our recovery system.
There are also individual aspects of focal dystonia development that can affect recovery time. At first, progress can seem painfully slow, but calmly sticking to the building process will mean faster improvement as you go along.
Focal dystonia can mimic other conditions, and some symptoms may seem like focal dystonia when they may actually be a mechanical playing issue. We are not medical doctors and encourage you to seek medical advice as necessary. However, we offer a free assessment to see if our recovery approach is right for you.
Yes! This may seem like light years away right now, but our goal is to get you playing and performing better than ever!
This depends on the individual. Some clients prefer regularly scheduled sessions to keep them out of weed patches, while others prefer to work on their own with occasional sessions. Our initial 3-session coaching package will get you on your way. Once you have completed this, you can choose what works best for you and adjust this as needed.
First of all, this is not about your instrument, although it can seem like it is. This is about what is going on in your brain, and the messaging between the brain and muscles. Our recovery strategies can be applied to many forms of musician’s focal dystonia, as the principles are the same, regardless of your instrument.
We address this as a whole mind, whole body condition and use a multi-faceted system to build healthy neural pathways that eventually become your new playing reference. Our approach emphasizes sensation development, and uses advanced learning techniques, along with personalized training drills, to help you turn off symptoms and make permanent change.
In most cases, Bell's palsy is temporary, with the majority of people recovering fully within 3 to 6 months. Some, however, may experience lingering weakness or facial asymmetry.
This is believed to be caused by abnormal facial nerve regeneration. During recovery from Bell’s palsy, the facial nerve fibers may inadvertently be implanted into different muscles, causing unwanted and involuntary movement of facial muscles. This unfortunate side effect tends to be more common in cases of prolonged Bell’s palsy.
Synkinesis doesn’t usually worsen with time, but without treatment, the involuntary movements can become more noticeable or bothersome. Early management can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
While this depends on symptoms, we’ve seen remarkable progress in our clients, often within one or two sessions, and with better results than other therapies offer.